Sunday, October 19, 2008



In every minutes there are many challenges that will happen in your life. For every changes there is a meaning, a reason why those things would happen . If the things are changed, there are also things that we learned. We already finished our first quarter in this school year. On that quarter I have learned so many things especially on my ICT IV subject. And we are now in the second quarter of our fourth year high school life. Theres a lot of things or discoverer in the past grading period,it is also the same in this quarter. We learned steps by steps by making our own documents files. I learned also the use of notepad and all about the HTML.

When I met those things many problems that I have encountered. Problems or challenges make our life so meaningful and different, because wihtout problems we cannot challenged our self for being strong in facing our problems and we cannot also achieve our goal in life. The challenges that I have encountered from my new learning is that having a lot of activities to do. I'll make all these things so that i have enough time to finished and passed all of them.

Be strong to face all the challenges that comes to you and don't lost hope. If you had mistakes don't mind it because it makes you perfect.I address the problems by giving all my time to did it.And also by asking the help to my classmates, friends, and teachers. Because in addressing all the problems or challenges that comes to our life we've always need the help of others. As the saying goes by:no man is an island.

Moving on, I will do my very best to study hard and make my activities or projects as fast us I can,as beautiful and attractive as I that my grade will become higher. And my family will be proud of me and make my allowance become higher.


"<'zAmE^'@LtunA>" said...

. .,hAow!!!!!

.."n1ce bLog!!!!!"@@@

..>>>yOu rEalLy imPresSed me FrEN!!!!!

..>>>hAHahA"!!!! ..I've reAd My transLationS... It's wAs gReat,,

..>>>in oUr neXt post, yOu can askEd me agAin to translaTe some of the SentenCes you wANt to be trAnslated in EngLish frEn..

..>>>I'll try to do yOu any FaVor you Asked..,,.

..>>>kEep it up.. "taKe cAre",]